Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Rise of Pop Up Food Outlet Essays - Food And Drink, Free Essays

The Rise of Pop Up Food Outlet Essays - Food And Drink, Free Essays The Rise of Pop Up Food Outlet When you are walking around the corner to go to your favorite spot with friends or family, suddenly you see a restaurant that you never seen before, everything is new and fresh. Trying out a restaurant like this most likely would be you r choice. Nowadays, these food outlets are popping up everywhere and bringing the food industries a new trend. Pop up food outlet actually have appeared in food industry for a long time. Back in 1960s, it was known as supper clubs which was also a fashionable trend of dining at that time. As its name, pop up restaurant often occur in unexpected place for a limited time. Pop up restaurant sometimes not only open just for business, it serve s many purposes to attract customers ' attention, such as charity events and showcasing of chefs. In 2014, the number of food and drink events on the Eventbrite platform increased by 47% compared to the previous year, the fastest growing trend was the pop-up dining experience (82% growth) . The trend of pop up food outlet have become a hit, however, behind the hit, there are different aspects of factors pushing it to the top. First of all, one of the biggest factors of the big hit of pop up food is the social medias. Companies and business in dividuals started to realize the importance of social media in the society and have tries to use them as a method of advertising and popularize. Apparently, it succeed . For restaurant like pop up food outlet, because of it s freshness, the " experiential diners " will become the influencer of their social zones. The society now is becoming a sharing society ' , when people have something new that not so many people have had, they want to share it to others . B usiness owners just need to manage a social media account, and put up signs in the restaurant saying Follow us on Instagram Facebook! ' . A not unfamiliar example would be Doughnut Time. It is a food shop just started in 2015 which focusing on making fresh and adoring doughnut products and it usually has a food truck as its store. Ever since it came out , it becomes a hit so fast and people are trying to find the food tru ck and standing in the queue so long just for some doughnut s . Doughnut Time founder Damian Griffiths said, " We ' ve got the benefit of social media, where Doughnut Time alone has around 100,000 followers ad we receive feedback instantaneously. " On the food trucks, you can always see signs of their social media accounts. After people buying those amazing-looking doughnuts, they will take a nice photo and p ost it with a hashtag or a tag. As social media becoming an indispensable part of people's lives, pop-ups steps into the society by variety of social avenues. Pop up restaurant is not only loved by customers, but also business owner because of its appropriate scale. Pop up restaurants always are just made up of a small but opened kitchen, a few tables and some simple decorations. It is the best choice for young chefs or people just started to touch this industry because you don't need a large amount of investment on the hardware' for a pop up restaurant, since it's not a long term investment. Also, for young chefs that are dreaming to have an own restaurant, a pop up restaurant is a good pathway for them to test out their recipes, menus and concepts of the restaurant. Because pop-ups often are exclusive for a short time, and their food is rare or unusual, customers are willing to pay a premium for their dinning experience. In this way, chefs and owners can get economically advantages from them. Pop up food outlet becomes a hot business form because of its economical advantages which are its affordability and higher check average. "The great thing about pop-ups that we find all across the board whether it's a pop-up store, pop-up restaurant or event is that they have this fear of missing out' quality to

Monday, March 2, 2020

How I Established My Romance Novels Subgenres

How I Established My Romance Novels Subgenres How I Established My Romance Novel's Subgenres Barbara James lives in New York, and is an avid romance reader and a former academic writer. In this article, she breaks down her latest romance novel's subgenres - sweet, contemporary, new adult - and explains the characteristics and importance of each one. How my novel is â€Å"new adult†New adult is for readers who have graduated from the young adult category, but who face different conflicts and questions than the rest of the 30+ adult group. They are still in the early stages of their lives, grappling with identity, relationships, and career.In Starting Over, Annelise is more conservative than most of her peers: she hopes to be married by the time she graduates university, and to become a stay-at-home mom by the time she’s in her mid-twenties. This is a more â€Å"old-fashioned† life plan than many people in their early-twenties have today, so Annelise struggles with how to fit in with her peers, and is constantly questioning her life plans and decisions.When my novel was finished and I was ready to start working with a professional editor, I knew I wanted someone who was a clear fan of the romance genre.Working with a development editor who also loves romance novelsA developmental editor can be instrumental in either helping you define your genre or tailoring your novel more to your chosen genre. And this was absolutely the case with my editor, Mary-Theresa Hussey. She worked for over 25 years as an executive editor at Harlequin, so she really knew her stuff. A developmental editor can be instrumental in helping you define your novel's genre. One way she challenged me fairly early on was with respect to age differences. Annelise could have been older, a graduate student, about 22–24 years old or Rick could have been younger, 24–25 years old. Ultimately, I made Rick ten years old, 28 to Annelise’s 18, because I wanted him to be ready to handle the responsibility of being the husband of a younger, stay-at-home-wife. But Mary-Theresa’s suggestion that I re-think their age difference helped me more firmly establish why the ten-year age gap was important to the story, strengthening each character in my mind.As her work history clearly suggests, Mary-Theresa is a fan of romance novels herself. Working with an editor who has a preference from romance novels was as important to me as their professional backgrounds, which is why I was so happy Reedsy permitted me to search for editors with specific keywords.Starting Over is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.Please share your thoughts, experien ces, or any questions for Barbara James in the comments below!